Friday, January 3, 2014

Perhaps I can convince you that I was trying to set a record in not updating this blog for over a year? :clapclapclap:  Aren't you impressed?

Why then, would I want to break such a record and write a post?  Excellent question.

The truth is ... there are approximately 4 blog posts that I have been mulling about on my heart and in my mind for nearly a year.  I don't have the words.  I have tried to have the words.  And every time I have tried writing a post, it turned into a rant.  A vocalization of my frustration at the passive-aggressive posts of friends.  An attempt to be deeper than the fluffy posts.  An attempt to air successes better than the 'ta-da!' posts.

But then I would be the hypocrite.

And so I stopped and deleted.

This year, I hope to put a few of those posts in words without the rant, irritation, and lack of compassion exuded from my words when I first attempted the posts.  Without sounding stuffy, God grant me the grace to write about the few things that He has put on my heart without being offensive, defensive, obsessive, prideful, petty, or dull.

The new challenge is to post again before a year passes ...